Real Hair Extensions


When people talk about real hair extensions they generally mean real human hair but the type and where it is from are important to the quality and makes a big difference to price as well. In some cases you may find real hair extensions contain a mixture of human hair with either synthetic or animal hair so it is worth checking what you are buying and buying from a reputable store or website. At the cheaper end of the range of real hair extensions available is dropped, at the other end Remy hair.

Have you ever wanted to try a new haircut or hair color, but was too afraid? real hair extensions can give you the flexibility of both. You can go from having short to long, a few streaks, a bold set of streaks or even a whole new color in an instant. Real hair extensions is human hair that is added to your own to add color, volume or length. When deciding to extend your own hair, you need to consider how long you would like to keep it in, the quality, the cost and the technique. When considering how long you want to keep the extensions in, it will help to determine how much you want to spend on quality and technique. There are many different qualities to choose from. There is Asian, Eastern European, Indian and Remi.

Asian quality is what we would normally see in our local beauty supply stores. This quality of real hair extensions is straight and dark originally. In order for this type to be colored it has to go through a rigorous process, stripping out all of the dark color only to have it recolored again to various colors. Due to the stripping of the color it causes the hair to lose its natural sheen. In order to restore the natural sheen; silicon's and different types of chemicals are added making it hard to manage once the hair is shampoo.

Eastern European quality is usually recommended for women who have blonde hair. This quality tends to produce the most natural blonde hair quality. Just beware when a person is trying to sell you European Quality hair and not Eastern European hair. There is a difference. The European quality comes from the best of ordinary people from Pakistan; Indian or Asian and is usually not the best quality which doesn't last long. Eastern European hair is from Italy and Spain the most popular good hair quality and can last as long as up to a year if you care for it properly. Indian quality hair is from India. In this region it is given by men and women in the name of their faith. The money is then given to the temples for maintenance.

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