Punk Hairstyles


Punk hairstyles are in the category of hairstyles that are simply hard to ignore. Wear a punk hairstyle, and you can be sure that you will leave heads turning everywhere you go. Of course, while there are many similar hairstyles, hard to notice hairstyles, as it were, what sets hairstyles apart is the fact that they tend to be conspicuous in a nice way as they mostly tend to be decently neat, so that the people noticing the wearer notice him or her for all the right reasons. Obviously, this is in great contrast to many head turning aka attention-grabbing hairstyles, which tend to convey the wearer as a bit too frivolous. Even for the most conservative folks, punk hairstyles tend to at least ace the decent test.

The roots of punk hairstyle can be traced to a few decades back, with the emergence of the punk sub-culture that rocked the world greatly about two to three decades ago. The punk sub culture was of course not just about the punk hairstyle, as it came complete with it is own music punk music, if you remember, and even its mannerisms that subscribers to it adhered to according to some unwritten code. Perhaps in keeping with the law of cycles, we are seeing a rising resurgence of interest in hairstyles, with many youths who surely could not have been there at the height of the punk subculture, donning them proudly. Resurgence aside, of course, there are older folks or rather middle aged folks, to use the right term who have always kept their punk hairstyles since their heyday to this day.

The Punk hairstyles can be explained as something unique or peculiar hairstyle. The punk hairstyle trend belongs to 1970s, 1980s and so on. But the history and research tells that it actually belongs to 1970s. The style was born in the late 70s as part of punk rock's fashion. Punk rock was an anti-establishment music movement that began around 1976. Punk rock musicians often wore strange punk hairstyles. They often dyed and spiked their hair. Punk hairstyle of 1970s can be symbolized by spiked and colored hair ; and the colors for this style were wilder and the 1980s style was related to spikes, colored hair and Mohawk. Mohawk is something which means narrower middle stripes of upright hair and sides of head completely or partially shaved.

This fashion can be seen in the work of today's designers. The punk hairstyle can be identified by vibrant colors, attracting spiked cut and funky. The colors associated with this hairstyle are orange, red, green, pink, purple and blue tinge particularly neon shades. Different cultures and art movements have highly influenced the punk fashions which are skin heads, rude boys, greasers, art school students, glam rocks and moods and other cultures also. Punk fashion is generally adopted by those people who want them to be noticed in the party. The different sorts of punk hairstyle are original style, skate punk, death or horror punk, and pop punk style.

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