Hair Growth


Hair growth is visible from the very early stage of one's development. The most apparent section of human hair is the hair growth on the head, which grows longer than other mammals. The absence of hair growth on the head is termed as alopecia, which is commonly called baldness. Other parts of the human body also characterize different types of hair. From the very early childhood stage onwards, hair growth covers the whole human body regardless of sex except in the lips, the nipples, the soles of feet, the hand palms and certain external genital areas like the scar tissue and the navel. The solidity of hair growth varies from person to person. The enhancement of the male hormones due to puberty causes conversion of hair growth in different parts of the body.

Increasing hair growth on women follows certain the male pattern which are referred to as hirsutism. An extreme and irregular hair growth on the body of both the sexes is termed as hypertrichosis. Beautiful and faster hair growth requires optimal delivery of oxygen and nutrients from the circulatory system to the hair follicle. But without the required vitamins, amino acids, protein, and nutrients hair may lack maximum fullness, strength and the vibrancy one desire. More attractive and faster hair growth needs optimal release of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicle from the circulatory system. Undertaking of hair vitamins are the best way towards faster hair growth. Hair vitamins help in the hair growth and also in the strengthening of the hair. Proper amount of sleep also results in faster hair growth.

But unwanted hair growth in different parts of the body can be detached with the use of hair inhibitors. Hair growth inhibitors are available in the market both in the form of spray and lotion. Many hair growth inhibitors generally slow down the growth of unwanted hair and so it is considered as an ideal substitute to shaving. Hair growth inhibitors are generally applied to the pores which are opened. Hair growth inhibitors therefore need to be massaged over the open pores till it reaches the root from where the hair grows.

Hair growth after times like these needs to come in steps. While you may not want to, the first thing you need to do after getting a bad cut is to go and get it cut again. The reason why is that you need to get a style that you can work with, one that is evenly cut, and a style that is poised to regrow hair. Doing this will eliminate a lot of the frustration that you feel during the hair growth process and will give you a style that you can be proud of in the meantime. The first visit after a bad hair cut is critical to your hair growth success. Together, you and your stylist can examine the style that you would eventually like to achieve and discuss the regrowth process and how to cut your hair throughout the duration.

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