Eid al-Azha Dresses


The purpose of festivals is to let the people celebrate an occasion together, to share it joys and to feel united. Religious festivals unite us is our love of God as much as of each other. Most of our festivals are religious and there is lot of formal and non-religious festivals. Our main religious and social festivals are Eid al – Fitr, Eid al-Azha and Eid Milad- un – Nabi (PBUH). We celebrated them together each year with great joy and zeal or passion.

Eid al-Azha is main and very important festival in the religion of Islam. Nobody can not be deny of it Islam is complete code of life in all the religions, it is a universal religion. So that, there are festival which are celebrated at the different time flexible and authentic permits the reason of the mind. It is covered all the aspects of life for all humanity. It makes clear that the basis of the otherworldly life is our deeds and action in the world. Islam means obedience or submission to the will of God Almighty.

The will of God is expressed clearly in the religious law includes old customs and tradition that are not against our religion. The life of our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) show that the following of Islam and they celebrated the Eid al-Adha on Islamic month at 10thZilhajj. Eid al-Azha means the festival of sacrifice. It is the festivals that celebrates Hazrat Ibrahim’s (A.S) attempt of sacrifice his son and his actual sacrifice of sheep.

They are wearing colorful and delight full dress with various shade and design, the women mostly use the different  hairstyles 2013 and of fashions the deigned Henna be Eid day that night called “Chand Raat” and the next morning they are celebration on this festival. mostly teens used
prom hairstyles 2013......The people come and go one another they meet and huge to our relatives and friends. On this day they say other “EID MUBARAK” and the other person reply Khair Mubarak and then the embrace each an other two or three times at the one moment.

Every Muslim who has the means is to sacrifice animals in the way of God, after the Eid prayers. At least one-third of the meat of the sacrificed animal is to be distributes among the needy and poor people. The rest of the two-third meat can be shared by the family, relatives and the neighbors of the owner of the animals. Here again we share our meat with other and show our generosity.

Our joys can not be complete without it. In this way, we show practically that we are ready to sacrifice our all for God, for our “din” (religion) or for the society or the country if it is so demands.  For celebration this Eid event all the men and the women want to up-to-date our selves and teen girls and kids. That festival they celebrated for three days and they enjoy the delights of life with our family, relatives and fiends because they have right to celebration of this EID.  
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