Adriana Lima

Adriana Lima has a full name, Adriana Francesca Lima, Adriana Lima was born on, 12, in June, in 1981, was born in, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, famous since a Victoria's Secret model, Adriana Lima has the height, 178, Adriana five are citizens, Brazil, Adriana Lima has a hair color, brown and beautiful once, father of Adriana Lima, Nelson Torres, the mother of Adriana Lima, Maria da Graca Lima, Adriana Lima at this time married to a famous basketball player, Marko Jaric, before marriage had been a girlfriend of Lenny Kravitz and Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein, Adriana Lima now has to have children, Valentina Lima Jaric, Adriana Lima at the moment has a sponsorship model for women's underwear, the Bra, the sponsor of Adriana Lima is very expensive at this point, even the most expensive in the world.

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