Dubbed “A Cautionary Tale,” fashion designers Edward Meadham and Benjamin Kirchhoff set off on another madcap outing inspired this time by 18th-century lingerie and Victorian attire, bringing back memories of Eighties Christian Lacroix.
“I just wanted to concentrate on this idea of beauty,” he said. “And to avoid anything to do with my life in Dalston, or subculture, or being subversive and grumpy—all the things people say we are. It was my absolute dream to have something as beautiful and opulent as possible, without a point, or petulance. It’s all the things I wanted to do, with all the money I don’t have.”
The collection was packed with corsetry, ruffles, embroidery, and satin bows cascading down silk brocade boots.
Little fitted jackets with peaked shoulders were paired with pannier miniskirts, while sheer overcoats that looked more like saucy dressing gowns were paired with matching fitted trousers. Only a few denim pieces and Minnie Mouse T-shirts grounded this extravagant Marie-Antoinette-in-the-street collection.
“I just wanted to concentrate on this idea of beauty,” he said. “And to avoid anything to do with my life in Dalston, or subculture, or being subversive and grumpy—all the things people say we are. It was my absolute dream to have something as beautiful and opulent as possible, without a point, or petulance. It’s all the things I wanted to do, with all the money I don’t have.”
The collection was packed with corsetry, ruffles, embroidery, and satin bows cascading down silk brocade boots.
Little fitted jackets with peaked shoulders were paired with pannier miniskirts, while sheer overcoats that looked more like saucy dressing gowns were paired with matching fitted trousers. Only a few denim pieces and Minnie Mouse T-shirts grounded this extravagant Marie-Antoinette-in-the-street collection.
12:04 AM
"Meadham Kirchhoff RTW Spring 2013 London Fashion Week "
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